Fall Wishlist

Fall is almost here, and this girl’s heart is oh so happy with the promise of seasons changing. Maybe it’s just the deep ingrained habit of a new school despite being out of school for almost 5 years now, or just the itch for newness, but it always gives me the bug to refresh my wardrobe. Here are a few things that I have on my wishlist for this upcoming fall!

Neck scarves:
I know that this is by no means a new trend, but one that I have been slow to adopt. It’s so dainty and cute! I am all about adding small touches of fem to my fall wardrobe.

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Photo Credits: Happy Hunters Blog, Man Repeller, M Loves M, Pinterest


Flares & wide legs:
Maybe I’m just really feeling ABBA at the moment, but give me all the dark bell bottoms…high waisted and you get some extra points!

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Photo Credits: Spot Pop Fashion, Un-Fancy, Who What Wear, Pinterest

The suit:
The power suit is coming back in a big way, people…or so I have heard…and I ain’t mad about it! New to the work fashion world, I’m still trying to figure out how to dress like a business professional without sacrificing my sense of fashion. Here’s what I’m liking about suits these days.

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Photo Credits: Dulceida, Cyndi Spivey, Idano, Harpers Bazaar, Pinterest


Bullet Journals [for beginners like me]

If you spend any ounce on social media these days, you know that the current trend is bullet journaling. For those of you, like me, who enjoy minimalistic vibes, this might be your thing.

After seeing this trend across everywhere from Pinterest to YouTube, I decided to try it out. One of the things that I struggle with on a regular basis is staying organized. Another is forming positive habits. I did a little research in the wonderful world of Pinterest on ways I can ease into the bullet journaling lifestyle. I’m really not an all or nothing person, so I decided to start with one or two things, to peak my interest, and then, if I could stick with it.

Here is how I did with my first month or so just dipping my toe into the world of bullet journaling.

To start off slow, I decided to do 3 things (one of which I was kinda/sorta already doing.)
1. Keep my weekly agenda/monthly calendar up to date.
2. Track the progress I was making on habits I am trying to form.
3. Track my days emotionally.

So, If I am totally honest, I got up to a rough start. The first 4 days of the project, I went on a roadtrip and completely forgot my planner/journal…smooth move Exlax. I learned very quickly what worked for me and what I liked and disliked about bullet journaling.

The first thing that I learned is that while bullet journaling is a great way for some people to have all of their calendars, lists and journaling in one place, it was not exactly practical for me. I am someone who already uses a calendar, so it was more work for me to draw up my own into a journal than it was for me to just use my own planner that I already have. Also, tracking my emotions was just way too much…how do you choose one emotion to encompass your entire day? I can see, though, how these both would be great for some people. I’m just not necessarily feeling the same thing in the afternoon as I was in the morning or will feel in the evening.

The part that I did love was the habit tracker. For this, I came up with a list of habits that I wanted to create or maintain throughout the month and track them. Sounds simple enough! Using this habit tracker gave me something to look at in the morning, as I started my day, then return to before I went to bed and have the satisfaction of checking things off. It not only encouraged me to form these habits, but also look back and see how I was doing. There are a few things on the list that are very “duh, Anna” and that I didn’t necessarily put on the list to form, but also to make sure that I could keep track of my schedule (like washing my hair. That’s not a habit I struggle with). However, there were habits that I really did want to get back under control, like exercising, making my bed and not eating out. Obviously from the picture you can see that I still need to work on some of these things, but it is very useful to see the visual. If I’m having a crummy day, I can look back on the habit tracker and usually see that I have either A) not exercised in a few days or B) eaten out 2 or 3 days in a row. It really is helpful!

I want to encourage you, if you are starting or currently have a bullet journal to add this to one of the pages! It has been a great addition to my daily journaling routine – if anything, it has helped me feel more organized!

As I have found the habit tracker very useful and gotten into the habit (haha) of using it, I would like to introduce some more bullet journal-esque things into my daily journaling. I would love your help with this! What are some things that you have in your bullet journal? Please help this beginner out!

When I Rise…Lessons learned from waking up with the sun

A few weeks ago, I realized that I wasn’t the best person to be around. I realized that the negativity around me was not only being supplied by me, but also fed by me. What a img_2357bummer, right? When I realized this, I had to stop immediately, figure out where all this was coming from, and make a plan for how to fix it.

Here’s what I realized: The days that I was the most negative were sandwiched between days that I either
a) did not have time to myself until very end of the day or
b) did not spend time meditating with the Lord and reading my bible.

That being said, a few weeks ago, I decided to try out waking up an hour earlier. In this hour, I would do the following:

1) Read my bible. I follow I reading plan with the other ladies in my small group, so it’s almost like I start the day off with other women reading the same thing, just on a different couch.
2) Enjoy my coffee. I love coffee. Sometimes I think that I could survive on coffee, alone. I’m obsessed. The thing is, though, is that if I am not careful, by the time I get to work, I have that crazy caffeine-induced look in my eyes…not a good look! I find that if I just take a simple 5-10 minutes to enjoy my coffee, I not only limit the amount of caffeine I put in my body, but I also have a moment to catch my breath.
3) Make a list. Every morning, after I read my bible and drink my coffee, I make a list of things that I want to accomplish throughout the day. It can be something as small as water the plants. Making a list seems to set me up well for the day. It helps me wrap my head around what’s to come, while also giving me something to come back in the evening or next morning and have a visual of what progress I have made. Always on the top of the list is to make my bed.
4) Make my bed. This is such a simple thing, but so huge. I try to make my bed every morning, even if it is the weekend. This isn’t for cleanliness purposes, but often when I make my bed, it spurs me on to do a few more quick things, and before I know it, I’ve done half of the chores that I would have had to come home to. If anything, at the end of the day, if all I did was make my bed, I did something!

Why is “me-time” before getting the day started so important?

It’s kind of simple. Me time before the day = better vibes throughout the day.
Personally, I am not a everyday morning person. If I have a specific day of the week I have to get up, that’s ok. I can prepare myself, but every day? No ma’am. I have found that by waking up earlier, though, I have more time to wake up before I have to be a presentable human being. It allows me to go more at my own pace, than rushing to get ready. Waking up earlier also allows me to get some small wins before the challenge starts. That way, if the rest of the day goes to pot, at least I made my bed and got the dishes done…maybe some exercise, if I’m lucky.

The biggest reason, though is that I have learned over the past several weeks, is that it is good for my soul. Waking up early enough to spend time praying and reading my bible has taken me from worn out to, sometimes still tired, but peaceful and more positive. It gives me a chance to fill my bucket back up, if you are an analogy person. As a teacher of children, it can be very emotional draining. Almost like there is a hole in the bucket. The more you fill up the bucket (your heart), the more you have to pour out. An empty cup has nothing to share with others, let alone positive things.

So, here is to a little bit of an earlier morning and hopefully a better day. You should try it out and see how it works for you! If you find yourself feeling worn down and hard pressed for time for yourself, don’t press the snooze button. Give yourself a few extra minutes in the morning. See what you can gather from some extra moments of meditation before your day starts, and what happens when you check some things off your list before the real deal gets rolling.

Calling All Beauty Lovers!

Hey everyone!

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I have been challenged to host 3 beauty workshops this month.

If you’re interested in the opportunity to get MAJOR discounts & possibly FREE makeup, let me know!

All you have to do is go to the Hot Mess Blonde Blog page on Facebook, like the page & comment/message me OR shoot me a comment below.

Each workshop is 4 days, and it is 100% online. It is SUPER easy and lots of fun…

Whether you are a beginner or a pro, lets hang out and talk all things beauty!

September Favorites


What a month September was. So many things happened… I went on a girls weekend to Nashville with my favorite people, launched my partnership with Younique, I relaunched my blog (!!!!) and the semester went into full swing at work. Although, the month was jam packed with all kinds of going-ons, I still had time to take note of some things I to share with you. And everyone sings together : “These are a few of my favorite things!”

img_2327  Hair is kind of a big deal with me. I have super thick hair, but it still can be kind of limp. Thank goodness I remembered Bed Head’s Superstar volumizing spray. It is a lifesaver. This is a product, that I actually used religiously years ago, but (long story, short) when I chopped my hair off about 2 years ago, I didn’t really need it. Now that my hair is long and heavy again, this adds the volume I need, as well as some great texture that makes it easier to style in the messy’ish boho vibe that I enjoy.

Skincare is something that has not always been at the top of my list. With that said, I am not usually the harshest of judges when it comes to that type of project. The first product that I have to share is the Tree Hut Hair Minimizing Body Butter. This product was actually a fluke. I picked it up at Ulta one day when I was looking for an after-shower body moisturizer. I didn’t realize that it was hair minimizing, but you guys, it actually works! The reality of this product is that you have to use it continually for it to work, but when I do, I definitely notice that the hair on my legs grows back noticeably slower and I can get 1-2 extra days between shaving my legs. It has made the hair on my legs less corse, too! I have also fallen in love with the Acure brightening facial scrub. I snagged this guy on my way to Nashville, when I realized that 1) I forgot to pack face wash and 2) “OMG since when did I have so many blackheads?!”  I was astonished by how well this stuff worked on the first use..and that’s not even an exaggeration. I did a double take! I use this face wash every few days, trading between it and the Younique gentle face exfoliating wash (another great product, might I add). It’s a little to rough for daily use, but wow does my face feel wonderful when I use it! I know this product can be found at Wholefoods and Kroger. Probably Walmart, too.


I am a makeup gal. Getting up in the morning and doing my makeup is a daily part of my routine, and I have very high expectations for the products I used. Now, I know that two of the products here are products that I personally sell, but I have to say that when I first went to try them out, I was sceptical about how good they would be. I wouldn’t tell you about anything I didn’t actually like…that would be selling out. When I received the Moonstruck eyeshadow palette, I was not thrilled with the colors they sent me. You can see them here or in action here. I tried them out, though, and the colors, the formula, and just the overall quality of the product is wonderful! The eyeshadows go on smoothly, without fall-out and last ALL DAY LONG. The Moonstruck Epic Mascara has also been one of those “wow” products. When this mascara launched, it sold out in just a few hours. It’s that good! Although the major seller on the Younique website is the Fiber Lash Duo, I really believe that this is even BETTER. It is one of those “one coat and you’re done” kind of mascaras…and there’s no flake-age. Win!! My favorite of my makeup favorites, though, is actually not a Younique product. It’s the Tarte Amazonian Clay 24 hour Brow Mousse. Now, I have not actually tested to see if it lasts as long as it claims, but it’s long-lasting game is strong. That’s not even the major selling point for me, though. If you are blonde, you know the brow struggle…blonde brow products tend to have warm undertones, which make it look like you have taken an orange eyeshadow to your brows. It’s not a good look! What I love about the Tarte mousse is that it has a cool undertone — no orange brows! Need I say more?

 And the final slot for September favorites goes to Warby Parker. Over the summer I had some major eye issues and very abruptly had to get a stronger vision prescription. I mean, we are talking going from a -1.25 to -2.5. It’s not a strong prescription, but it is a HUGE jump! When this happened, I found myself in a bind for glasses and had to update. Those of you who know me, know that I am very particular about my glasses. When I buy a pair of glasses, I commit. The last time I got new glasses was probably 2012. Thankfully someone recommended WP to me. They made the process so easy and stress-free. All I had to do was go online, choose 5 pairs of glasses I liked, and they sent them free of charge for a 5 day try-on. I did this twice! Then, when I found a pair I (and all 10 of the people whose phone I blew up relentlessly) liked, I went online, purchased them, and they sent me a fresh pair with prescription lenses. The best part about the whole process? The glasses I ended up with were only $95! Glasses people know…that’s a steal! Since receiving my new pair of glasses at the beginning of the month, I have only worn my contacts a handful of times. I highly recommend trying out Warby Parker.

What were some of your favorites that you discovered this month? I’m always looking to try new things!

Are you on Facebook? Follow the blog here at Facebook.com/HotMessBlonde


Is There Something On My Face?

Good morning everyone! I’ve been trying out the Younique products for about a week now, and I have to say that I’m impressed. I have a pretty standard routine for getting ready in the morning…nothing fancy…but I that I would show you just a quick (and sped up) glimpse of how I do my makeup on days that I will be in the studio all day. This is the look that I go for when I need to look put together, professional, and for it to last all day long.

The major selling point of the Younique makeup was definitely when I looked in the mirror last night before taking off my makeup and realized that it looked exactly how it did when I put it on 13.5 hours earlier (AND my day included teaching 3 ballet classes!)

All the products I used will be listed (and hopefully linked) down below. If you want my thoughts/review of any specific products just let me know!


  1. St. Ives Timeless Skin Moisturizer (I’ve been using this for about 7 years now, no lie!)
  2. Royal Rose Water Toning Spray
  3. Touch Glorious Face Primer…a little goes a long way, and it doesn’t have that waxy feeling a lot of primers have.
  4. Touch Mineral Liquid Foundation in Scarlet
  5. Touch Mineral Skin Perfecting Concealer
  6. Rimmel London Stay Matte Transluscent Powder
  7. Tarte Amazonian Clay Brow Mousse in Ash Blonde
  8. Smashbox #Shapematters eyeshadow in Haze
  9. Milani contour stick in the lightest color (AMAZING drugstore find!)
  10. E.l.f. palette from the “hydrating” line
  11. Moonstruck Eye Primer
  12. Moonstruck Addiction Shadow Palette…”Tender” all over the lid & “Arrogant” on outer half
  13. Younique Pressed Shadow…”Nonsensical” in very outer corner and under eye
  14. Moonstruck Pencil Eyeliner in “perfect” in upper waterline
  15. Moonstruck Epic Mascara
  16. Touch Behold Setting Spray
  17. Smashbox Be Legendary lipstick

4th Quarter Goals

We have almostFall_Leaves_Transparent_Picture.png made it to October! Before we jump into this post, lets take a moment to *insert comments about how quickly the year has flown by here.*

I absolutely love fall. Here in the South, it never actually feels like fall until one day you wake up in almost November and it is too cold to wear shorts anymore, but even though it is still hot and the trees aren’t changing color, everyone here still gets into the fall spirit. October 1st, schools are taking field trips to the pumpkin patch, people are sipping their latte’s and Christmas music is playing through the speakers at Walmart (too soon, y’all!)

Fall is like the final quarter of the game. There’s one last stretch to cram what you can into the year. It is a great time to set some short term goals you want to complete by the end of the year. Maybe this means committing the last 3 months of 2017 to the new years resolution you made in January or to get a head start on something that you’ll benefit from once 2018 rolls around. It’s up to you!

Here are a few of my 4th quarter goals for the next few months:

  • Get back on track with exercising regularly.
    Outside of teaching my ballet classes, I have kind of fallen off the wagon in the health and fitness realm. I have gotten into the habit of going home and wasting time until it is too late in the evening to get a workout in…there’s really no excuse!
  • Wake up earlier.
    This might seem like a pretty vague goal, but one of the things that I want to do between now and the end of December is better utilize the time I have before work. There are so many benefits of waking up earlier, and I’m interested to see how my daily life would change if I woke up earlier instead of sleeping until the last minute.
  • Waste less time.
    I waste so much time…just in general. Checking my phone before I get out of bed, playing games on my phone, watching youtube videos and Netflix…basically watching the ceiling fan turn and the clock tick. How much more things could I do in the day if I didn’t waste so much time?


What are your 4th quarter goals? Comment down below and let me know!

What we learn at the barre


In case you don’t know this about me, I am a ballet person. I say ballet person because I have more than one title, and person just sums it up as a whole. Dance in general has been important to me since a very young age, and I consider it one of the things that formed the person I am today.

As an “active” five year old, my mom decided to enroll me in ballet after taking me to a spring performance, and me not moving for the whole thing. I don’t think she had ever seen me sit so still before. I loved it immediately. Even as a kindergartener, I could probably have spent all my time twirling around and showing everyone what I have learned. I even remember spending time at my grandparents’ house and putting on a show to the tunes of the end credits to every movie we watched together.

As an adult, I have come to realize that dance, really ballet specifically, has taught me more than how to dance, though. When I was 22 years old I returned to the studio, after a short hiatus. The difference, now, was that I now get to be the teacher. It really is the most amazing thing, and now I get to teach students some of the lessons that I learned through my training…things that have nothing to do with the beat of the music or how many pirouettes a dancer can do.

You have to learn to work alongside others before you can be the star of the show. I don’t think there ever was a ballet dancer who dreamed of growing up to be in the corp de ballet. No! A dancer trains to be the best. They want to be the prima ballerina. How many dancers go straight from classes to soloist, though. I can’t think of a single one (I mean, correct me if I am wrong, though). The hierarchy of the ballet world just does not work like that. It is very much a “work up from the bottom” system. You have to do your work to make it to the top. Isn’t life a lot like that, too? Sure some people get lucky and they get to be a CEO right out of college, but that is normally not the case. This was a wonderful lesson to have learned growing up. Being in ballet taught me how to be a part of the group and work well with others. It taught me that even though you might feel lost in the crowd or that your part did not matter, you have the power to throw everything off and take everyone with you. Only when you can work well with others, can you truly lead the charge well.

No-one has never not fallen — The show must go on. One of the conversations that I have most frequently with my students goes like this:

“Miss Anna, I can’t!”
“Why? What are you afraid of?”
“I don’t want to fall. What do I do, then? Everyone might laugh at me.”
“Well, honey, you just get back up and learn from what you did.”

Everyone falls. Everyone learns new lessons, and no-one does something perfect the first time. If we did, then we would all be the best at everything that we do, and there would be no lessons to learn or goals to achieve. When we take a spill, whether that is physically falling on the floor or hitting a setback in life, the show must go on. We must get up, brush the dirt off and keep moving. No-one is perfect.

Some people are born with “it” and some people have to work hard for it, but dedication pays off. Everyone remembers that girl who always stood in the front of the studio and was just enough better than you for it to be annoying, right? As I’m typing this, I can picture that girl from when I was young in my head. In my teenager mind, she had it. Everything that she did was perfect…oh, you want a triple pirouette, sure! Perfect split without the stretching. The thing is, people are like that a dime a dozen. Really, you are probably that person for someone else, you just don’t realize. What I’m trying to say, here, is that just because something does not come easily, does not mean that you shouldn’t do it. Hard work leads to great things. It not only can lead to success, but leads to appreciation and a better work ethic. Having to work hard for something teaches you that when something doesn’t come easily, you don’t give up and you continue to pursue the goal. An example of this is how statistically speaking, people with a ballet background who pursue a college diploma are more likely to graduate. Dancers are taught to keep at a challenge even when it is just that – a challenge.

There are countless lessons that I learned growing up at the ballet barre. The majority of my time as an adolesent (especially the teen years) were spent in the studio. It put me around people that were different than me and taught me how to work with them. I was with people who went to different schools, had different beliefs and whose family dynamics were very different than me. It gave me a jump start on learning social lessons that I would not have learned otherwise, making me stronger in the long run. So, ballet is a beautiful art, and learning to dance can be important in the way of having a career on the stage, but it is so much more than that.

Cheer Up Buttercup!

Dude, some days just suck…am I right or am I right?

Who actually wants to spend their day down in the dumps, though. While some days are hard, moments are frustrating, and sometimes, you get in a funk, lets not stay there! Take a deep breath, put on your flower crown (are those still in?), and soak up some positive vibes.  Here is a list of what I tend to do when I’m feeling down. These things help me to take a brain break, and get a second to regroup, then usually I feel loads better and feel like I can take on the rest of the day, no problem.

  1. Take a lap…around the office, around the block, around the park — just get a change of scenery.
  2. Take a nap. Sometimes, you just need to press the refresh button. Careful, though. We all know there’s that chance you take on either waking up like a fairy princess, all rested and refreshed, and waking up like you’ve been in hibernation, looking like Mr. Heat Miser.
  3. Dance it out. Positive vibes come in sound waves, y’all. Maybe it’s just because I grew up in a home where the background was always filled with music, when I hear music it makes me dance, or what, but I believe that music is good for the soul…here’s a good vibe playlist, courtesy of moi. (It’s a work in progress) Dance it out, girl.
  4. Exercise. To quote the ever genius Elle Woods, “Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don’t kill their husbands.” ‘Nuf said.
  5. Count your blessings. I keep a gratitude journal. So, each evening, as I am getting ready for bed, I right down a few things that I am thankful for that happened that day or week. It might sound cheesy, but when I do this, even on my worst days, it reminds me that there was at least one thing that made it ok.
  6. Meditate. This goes along with #5, but one of the things that I enjoy doing to begin my day is to take time to myself to meditate on the day ahead, read my bible and pray. Doing these things set me up for a positive day and remind me the path that I will walk throughout the day. It gives me a chance on the constant things in my life (Jesus) and that all the crazy stuff I’m going to encounter once I walk out the door is just a blip on the screen.
  7. Drop a note in the mail. Who doesn’t love getting something that isn’t a bill in the mail?? Name someone, I can wait. If you are feeling blue, take a moment to write someone an encouraging note. It’s a two-in-one.  This will give you a chance to breath some life into someone else, and get your mind off what’s getting you down.
  8. When all else fails (even though you should probably just do this first) Call your mom…need I say more?

What do you do to make yourself feel better when you’re down in the dumps? Let me know in the comments below!

— Anna


Over the Labor Day weekend, I ventured over to Franklin and Nashville, TN for the first time with my sister, Kate, and best friend, Laura. All I can say is, if you have not been there, don’t walk – run. After my experience, can I just move there…Yo, anyone hiring in Franklin?


Kate, Laura, and I currently live the farthest apart that we have ever lived. Kate lives in the Memphis area, Laura’s in Texas, and I’m in Central Mississippi. The three of us have been the best of friends for 20 years, so now, more than ever, it is important to us to get time together. This weekend was our inaugural girls’ trip, and I deem it a success!

For this trip, we stayed in and AirBnB in Franklin, TN. This was definitely the way to go, as we brought my 9 month old niece along, and it gave us the freedom of being in a house. Also, instead of having to drop a few hundred dollars on a hotel room, between the three of us, we only paid about $80 each for 3 days/2 nights. Moral of the story, AirBnB = success.

The theme of this trip was window shopping and food. For the first night, we hit Main Street, in Franklin, and just enjoyed walking around and taking in the local flare. The shops on Main Street are absolutely adorable. (I highly recommend Philanthropy for all your bohemian goddess fashion needs — I want everything in my size). We then went to Puckett’s. Yall. Do you love fried chicken? Do you love waffles? Well then, you MUST go here! Then, as the old lady 25 year olds we are, we spent the rest of the evening piled on the bed slumber party style watching Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath, because we are properly obsessed.


For our only full day in Nashville, we hit the Grilled Cheeserie. Once again, an option that can’t go wrong. The restaurant is definitely quite popular because there was a line that stretched all the way into the adjoining restaurant. How can you go wrong with grilled cheese, though? The sandwich that I landed on was a “Build you own”, where I went with sourdough bread, peperjack cheese, and cajun grilled chicken. Oh my word, yum. I would give it 4.5 stars our of 5, and the .5 star off is simply because of the college kids who took the last table.

After the grilled cheese, I had to get my glasses adjusted (nerd alert), so I swung by Warby Parker, who has excellent customer service, by the way. Let me know if you would like a post about my full Warby Parker at home try-on through purchasing glasses experience!


After piddling around a little bit, we headed over to meet another one of our childhood friends at Five Daughter’s Bakery. From now on, just consider me a FDB evangelist. Mississippi needs one of these desperately! The little shop is so cute, and the doughnuts are delicious. They are specialty, and once they are gone, they’re gone, it’s time to close up shop. I don’t remember what the name of what I ordered was (smooth move Anna), but it was pretty much a ginormous orange cinnamon roll. The best part of this stop was that we got to see our friend Eleanor! There is something so special about being able to go and see and do, then get to see people that you have known for years and years, but have geographical distance between. Familiar faces are so sweet to see!IMG_2216

Then, as we had not had enough food already, we and Pie 5 Pizza. This is, actually a chain restaurant, but hey — we were tired & it was good!

Conclusion: This weekend’s trip to Nashville was super chill. We did not have any agenda except to a) not be at home and b) relax, so we had a great time! After the weekend that we had, we definitely want to venture back soon and do some hardcore touristy stuff.

What are some things that you recommend doing in Nashville the second go-round? I am definitely planning on making my way up there again in the next few months. I had no clue what to expect going up there for the first town, so I’m ready to paint the town red with the next trip….comment below (or on my instagram @anna0simpson ;P) and let me know!

— Anna