Cheer Up Buttercup!

Dude, some days just suck…am I right or am I right?

Who actually wants to spend their day down in the dumps, though. While some days are hard, moments are frustrating, and sometimes, you get in a funk, lets not stay there! Take a deep breath, put on your flower crown (are those still in?), and soak up some positive vibes.  Here is a list of what I tend to do when I’m feeling down. These things help me to take a brain break, and get a second to regroup, then usually I feel loads better and feel like I can take on the rest of the day, no problem.

  1. Take a lap…around the office, around the block, around the park — just get a change of scenery.
  2. Take a nap. Sometimes, you just need to press the refresh button. Careful, though. We all know there’s that chance you take on either waking up like a fairy princess, all rested and refreshed, and waking up like you’ve been in hibernation, looking like Mr. Heat Miser.
  3. Dance it out. Positive vibes come in sound waves, y’all. Maybe it’s just because I grew up in a home where the background was always filled with music, when I hear music it makes me dance, or what, but I believe that music is good for the soul…here’s a good vibe playlist, courtesy of moi. (It’s a work in progress) Dance it out, girl.
  4. Exercise. To quote the ever genius Elle Woods, “Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don’t kill their husbands.” ‘Nuf said.
  5. Count your blessings. I keep a gratitude journal. So, each evening, as I am getting ready for bed, I right down a few things that I am thankful for that happened that day or week. It might sound cheesy, but when I do this, even on my worst days, it reminds me that there was at least one thing that made it ok.
  6. Meditate. This goes along with #5, but one of the things that I enjoy doing to begin my day is to take time to myself to meditate on the day ahead, read my bible and pray. Doing these things set me up for a positive day and remind me the path that I will walk throughout the day. It gives me a chance on the constant things in my life (Jesus) and that all the crazy stuff I’m going to encounter once I walk out the door is just a blip on the screen.
  7. Drop a note in the mail. Who doesn’t love getting something that isn’t a bill in the mail?? Name someone, I can wait. If you are feeling blue, take a moment to write someone an encouraging note. It’s a two-in-one.  This will give you a chance to breath some life into someone else, and get your mind off what’s getting you down.
  8. When all else fails (even though you should probably just do this first) Call your mom…need I say more?

What do you do to make yourself feel better when you’re down in the dumps? Let me know in the comments below!

— Anna